Thursday, September 20, 2012

Malaysian Glazed Chicken Legs with Curried Corn Pudding and Spinach Simmered in Yogurt

This is my first attempt at blogging. I have no clue what I'm doing so bear with me. I am also no professional fucking chef, so everything I do is trial and error and my kitchen always looks like a war zone when I'm finished.  I find it a matter of pride and amusement that I manage to use every utensil in the house for one dish. My husband, however, finds it not so admirable (he does the dishes).I didn't go to culinary school but during college I did learn to concoct recipes based solely on ingredients found at 7-11. That's a talent in itself. I also learned a lot from my mom and nana (my grandma), who always made everything from scratch. I don't claim to be an expert on shit.... or food. haha. I just want to share recipes that I've found (and typically altered), or made up... at least the ones that turned out great. For example, I'm not going to post about the sour cream lamb meatballs I attempted last year, which turned into sourcreamlambmush that looked like prison food. 

This chicken recipe called for wings, which turned out to be more expensive than legs, so we used legs. I don't think it makes much difference, other than maybe a slightly longer cooking time.

They were f-ing delish! Next up: Curried Corn Pudding. Don't need to alter it at all. Although I think I added jalapenos because I put them in everything. Except my vagina.

Spinach Simmered in Yogurt: I ripped this recipe out of a magazine in a waiting room somewhere. I do that a lot. It's not stealing. Is it? I like to add tomatoes to it. They add color and I just really like tomatoes. A couple chopped roma or hot house do fine. 

Also, on a side note, the stewed okra with tomatoes recipe is good too.

All of this crap went really well together. Complimentary flavors blah blah blah. But do with them what you want. Enjoy, fatties!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Whoop Whoop! 1st comment by your biggest fan - after Nanks of course! Man, I'm gonna get soooo fat eating this awesome stuff! X
